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Teachers' Quotes


Tess, teacher for the Dolphin Class

It is a privilege to work at La Petite École. I'm honored to provide these children with positive early childhood experiences that build strong foundations for the rest of their schooling careers.



Katia, teacher for the Dolphin Class

It makes me happy to be able to share each moment with the children here at La Petite École.  During the day so many things can and do happen. With each of these moments there is an opportunity to teach about emotions, the world, relationships, practical life, school life, etc. I'm so proud to be part of a such strong team where the learning is constant.


Florence, teacher for the Polar Bears Class

The first time a child independently chooses an activity and then, with deep concentration, sits, and starts to explore the Montessori material is truly amazing. I am stunned by his expression of inner calm and wonder in the perfection of his gesture placing the last piece of the pink tower. It's a magical moment.


Emma, teacher for the Polar Bears Class

I am so proud to be a part of the Unicorn class team.  My favorite time of the day is when the children arrive in the classroom, ready to go, tackle their day.  They start straight away with practical life skills and from there they explore their place in the world.  A Montessori classroom is full of wonder and to see children learn through play is unbelievable.



Manon, assistant for the Polar Bears Class

Whenever we go outside to play I love watching the children get absorbed in their games, making different discoveries, creating worlds of make believe.  Every once in a while there is the special moment when a child needs me.  After I give him the attention he requires for reassurance that he is safe, he immediately returns to his adventure.  Knowing I helped warms my heart.


Sally, teacher for the Dolphins Class

Even after 16 years of experience as a class teacher and head teacher for early years and primary school children, my passion is the personal interaction with the wonderful little individuals in our class. Guiding them during their learning and exploration every day is the most satisfying experience I can imagine.

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Aurelie, teacher for the Koala Class

Every morning Jeanne and Elle come into class with a smile and a readiness to learn.  It brings me so much joy to see them happy and confident at school.


Lara, assistant for the Koala Class

The best part of my day is when I see a child master a skill, be it language, fine motor, gross motor or conceptually related. The look on his face when he gets it gives me goosebumps every time.


Delphine, assistant for the Koala Class

During circle time we dance and sing all together.  Seeing the kids jumping, smiling, singing, and laughing with their entire bodies brings me a lot of joy.


Alina, teacher for the Panda Class

There is a moment when a child achieves something he has been working towards.  It's happiness and pride in the purest form! I love seeing it every day!


Carine, teacher for the Panda Class

With the older kids as well as with the younger ones I love to watch how the children communicate and exchange with each other, whether it's a word, facial expression, or gesture.  They are each different in their own way.  Being a part of their individual development and helping them grow and blossom is my biggest satisfaction.


Martha, teacher for the Polar Bear Class

I believe learning is a life long journey. That is why I keep developing in order to become a better teacher. I aspire to be a positive and confident role model for the children in my class, building their self confidence in every activity we do together.

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